Writing a Build File§

bfg9000's build script is called build.bfg and is (usually) placed in the root of your source tree. build.bfg files are just Python scripts with a handful of extra built-in functions to define all the steps for building your software. While bfg9000's goal is to make writing build scripts easy, sometimes complexity is unavoidable. By using a general-purpose language, this complexity can (hopefully!) be managed.

Your first build script§

The simplest build script, compiling a single source file into an executable, is indeed very simple:

executable('simple', files=['simple.cpp'])

The above is all you need to build your executable for any supported build backend and platform. The output file's name is automatically converted to the appropriate name for the target platform ('simple' on Linux and OS X and 'simple.exe' on Windows).

Logging messages§

Sometimes, it can be helpful to display messages to the user when they're building your project. While print, sys.stdout, and the like work, these aren't integrated into bfg9000's logging system. Instead, you can use info(), warning(), or debug() to log your messages:

    pkg = package('optional_dependency')
except PackageResolutionError:
    warning('optional_dependency not found; fancy-feature disabled')

Building executables§

We've already seen how to build simple executables, but build tools aren't much good if that's all they can do! Naturally, it's easy to build an executable from multiple source files (just add more elements to the files argument), but there are plenty of other things you'd probably like to do with your build scripts.

Implicit conversions§

bfg9000 tries its best to make your build scripts easy to read and to minimize verbosity. First, arguments that normally take a list can take a single item instead, e.g. executable('simple', files='simple.cpp'). In addition, bfg9000 will automatically convert a string argument to an object of the appropriate type. In the previous example, 'simple.cpp' is automatically passed to object_files, which in turn converts it to a source_file and generates the appropriate build step.


Many projects organize their headers and source files into different directories. For source files, this is easy to handle: just write out the relative path to the file. For header files, you need to let your compiler know where they're located. The header_directory function creates a reference to the directory, which can then be passed to your build function via the include argument:

include_dir = header_directory('include')
executable('program', files=['src/prog.cpp'], includes=[include_dir])

As noted above, you can also simplify this to:

executable('program', files='src/prog.cpp', includes='include')

Of course, bfg9000 also allows you to place built files in subdirectories as well. Simply specify the relative path as the name of executable (or whatever type of file you're building).


Build scripts often need to set options when compiling/linking binaries. Sometimes, these are specific to a single executable in the project, and other times they apply to all the binaries. bfg9000 supports both cases. You can provide options for a single binary with the compile_options and link_options arguments:

executable('simple', files=['simple.cpp'], compile_options=['-Wall', '-Werror'],

You can also specify global compiler options (on a per-language basis) as well as global linker options:

global_options(['-Wall', '-Werror'], lang='c++')

In addition to passing options as lists as above, you can also pass them as a single string, which will be split according to the rules for sh-style command line arguments.

Semantic options§

Naturally, the interpretations of these options depend on the compiler (or linker!) being used. One method is simply to the kind of compiler being used and supply the appropriate option strings. You can do this by consulting the build's Environment and checking the compiler's flavor.

However, it's often better to use semantic options, options that are defined as objects which will automatically be interpreted by the compiler:

executable('simple', files=['simple.cpp'],

Building libraries§

In addition to building executables, you can obviously also build libraries. This takes the same arguments as an executable as described above. Once you've defined how to build your library, you can pass it along to an executable or other shared library via the libs argument:

lib = library('library', files=['library.cpp'])
executable('program', files=['program.cpp'], libs=[lib])

By default, this will create a shared library; however, when running bfg9000, users can specify what kind of library to build by passing --enable-shared/--disable-shared and --enable-static/--disable-static on the command line.

When creating a static library, the link_options argument behaves specially: it represents arguments that will be forwarded to the dynamic linker when the static lib is used.

Shared and static libraries§

Sometimes, you may want to explicitly specify in the build file whether to create a shared or a static library. This is easy to accomplish:

shared = shared_library('shared', files=['shared.cpp'])
static = static_library('static', files=['static.cpp'])

Building libraries on Windows§

On Windows, native shared libraries need to annotate public symbols so that the dynamic linker knows what to do. To facilitate this, bfg9000 automatically defines a preprocessor macro named for native-runtime languages (e.g. C or C++) when building on Windows. For shared libraries, it defines LIB<NAME>_EXPORTS; for static, LIB<NAME>_STATIC. The following snippet shows how you can use these macros to set the appropriate attributes for your public symbols:

#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(LIBLIBRARY_STATIC)
#    define LIB_PUBLIC __declspec(dllexport)
#  else
#    define LIB_PUBLIC __declspec(dllimport)
#  endif
#  define LIB_PUBLIC

Generated sources§

In addition to compiling and linking, many build involve a source-generation step, e.g. generating lexers/parsers via Lex/Yacc. bfg9000 tries to make this as simple as possible. Much like how executable() (and library(), etc) will automatically invoke object_files as needed to create the compilation steps, bfg9000 will automatically add the appropriate generated_source() calls where possible.

Here, since 'qml.qrc' can be auto-detected as a Qt QRC file, the 'qml.cpp' file will be created and passed on to the implicit object_file call:

executable('qtprog', ['main.cpp', 'qml.qrc'], ...)

However, there are situations where this doesn't work automatically. Some source-generation steps, such as Yacc, output multiple files, so they can't be invoked implicitly:

parse, parse_h = generated_source(file='calc.y')
executable('calc', files=[parse, ...], includes=[parse_h])

In addition, bfg9000 can only invoke generated_source() automatically when the file is passed as the source to be compiled by object_file. Using a Qt UI file, for example, requires explicitly generating the source:

widget = generated_source('widget.ui')
executable('qtprog, ['main.cpp'], includes=[widget], ...)

Finally, some source-generators don't have their own unique file extensions, so it's not possible to automatically detect their language. In this case, you can either explicitly call generated_source() or create the file object with the appropriate language, e.g.: auto_file('window.hpp', lang='qtmoc').

Finding files§

For projects with many source files, it can be inconvenient to manually list all of them. Since build.bfg files are just Python scripts, you could use Python's standard library to examine the file system and build the list. However, there's a better way: bfg9000 provides a find_files() function to fetch the list; if the list ever changes, the build files will be regenerated automatically the next time they're run.

find_files() starts at a base directory and searches recursively for any files matching a particular glob:

hello_files = find_files('src/hello/**/*.cpp')
executable('hello', files=hello_files)

There are lots of options you can pass to find_files() to tweak its behavior. For instance, you can exclude certain files or directories by passing a glob to the exclude argument.

Default targets§

When you're building multiple binaries, you might want to be able to specify what gets built by default, i.e. when calling make (or ninja) with no arguments. Normally, every executable and library (except those passed to test()) will get built. However, you can pass any build steps to default(), and they'll be set as the default, overriding the normal behavior. This makes it easy to provide your users with a standard build that gets them all the bits they need, and none they don't.

External packages§

Most non-trivial projects have external package dependencies. These can be specified in a build.bfg file via package() and used when building binaries by passing them in the packages argument:

ogg = package('ogg', kind='static')
prog_opts = package('boost', 'program_options', version='>=1.55')

executable('program', files=['main.cpp'], packages=[ogg, prog_opts])

The package() function provides a way of specifying an abstract dependency. However, to actually build your project, this needs to be resolved via a concrete dependency. There are many different ways to resolve external packages, but for native packages (C, C++, Fortran, etc), bfg9000 handles this by calling mopack when configuring your build. mopack is a multiple-origin package manager and allows you to resolve dependencies in a variety of ways depending on your needs. You can specify how each package dependency should be resolved via an mopack.yml file:

    origin: tarball
    path: foobar-1.0.tar.gz
    build: bfg9000

By keeping the package resolution metadata separate from the build.bfg file, it's much easier for people building your project to override how package dependencies are resolved.

For further details about using mopack to resolve dependencies, consult its documentation.


After building, you might want to allow your project to be installed onto the user's system somewhere. Most files (headers, executables, libraries) can be added to the list of installed files via the install() function. You can also install entire directories of headers:

include_dir = header_directory('include')
lib = static_library('program', files=['src/prog.cpp'], includes=[include_dir])
install(lib, include_dir)


All good projects should have tests. Since your project is good (isn't it?), yours has tests too, and you should have a good way to execute those tests from your build system. bfg9000 provides a set of functions for running tests. The most important of these is aptly named test(). Any executable can be passed to this function, and it will be executed as a test; an exit status of 0 marks success, and non-zero marks failure:

test( executable('test_foo', files=['test_foo.cpp']) )

In addition, you can provide a test driver that collects all of your tests together and runs them as one. test_driver() takes an executable (a system_executable by default) that runs all the test files. This allows you to aggregate multiple test files into a single run, which is very useful for reporting:

mettle = test_driver('mettle')
test( executable('test_foo', files=['test_foo.cpp']), driver=mettle )
test( executable('test_bar', files=['test_bar.cpp']), driver=mettle )


Sometimes, you just want to group a set of targets together to make it easier to build all of them at once. This automatically happens for default targets by creating an all alias, but you can do this yourself for any collection of targets:

foo = executable('foo', files=['foo.cpp'])
bar = executable('bar', files=['bar.cpp'])
alias('foobar', [foo, bar])


In addition to ordinary build steps, it can be useful to provide other common commands that apply to a project's source, such as linting the code or building documentation. Normally, you should pass the command to be run as an array of arguments. This will automatically handle escaping any quotes in each argument. This is especially important for cross-platform compatibility, since different shells have different quoting rules:

command('hello', cmd=['python', '-c', 'print("hello")'])

Of course, if you need to use your shell's special characters (like &&), you can simply pass a string to the cmd argument. In addition, you can supply multiple commands to this function via the cmds argument:

command('script', cmds=[
    'touch file',
    ['python', 'script.py']


For larger projects, putting all of your build configuration in a single file can be difficult to maintain. Instead, you can split your configuration into multiple submodules. The submodule function will execute the build.bfg file (or options.bfg file when applicable) in the specified directory and return any exported objects as a dict to be used in the parent module. The submodule can then call the export function to return any relevant objects (e.g. built files) to the parent module:

# In main build.bfg:
sub = submodule('dir')
executable('exe', ['exe.cpp'], libs=[sub['library']])

# In sub/build.bfg:
lib = library('mylib', ['mylib.cpp'])

Within a submodule, all paths for inputs (source files) and outputs (built files) are relative to the directory containing the submodule's build.bfg file. (If you need to reference a file outside of the submodule's directory, you can simply prefix your path with ../):

# In sub/build.bfg:

# Builds $(builddir)/libmylib.so (or similar) from $(srcdir)/sub/mylib.cpp:
library('../mylib', ['mylib.cpp'])

Custom build steps§

Sometimes, the built-in build steps don't support the things you want to do (e.g. if you're generating source files via Flex/Bison). In these cases, you can use build_step() to define a step that produces a file by running an arbitrary command:

lex = build_step('lex.yy.c', cmd=[ 'flex', source_file('hello.lex') ])

To reduce repetition, you can also use the build_step.input and build_step.output placeholders in your command.

lex = build_step('hello-lex.c', cmd=[
    'flex', build_step.input, '-o' build_step.output
], files=['hello.lex'])

By default, the output of a custom build step is passed through auto_file, which produces a source file, header file, or a generic file based on the path's extension. When this doesn't produce the expected results, you can supply the type argument, which lets you pass a function taking a path and returning a file object to represent the output:

libfoo = shared_library(...)
stripped = build_step('libfoo.so', cmd=[
    'strip', '-o', build_step.output, libfoo
], type=shared_library)

Finally, you can define steps that produce multiple files by passing a list of names as the outputs of the step. This will then return a file object for each of the outputs:

hdr, src = build_step(['hello.tab.h', 'hello.tab.c'], cmd=[
    'bison', source_file('hello.y')

When producing multiple files via build_step, the type argument can be passed as either a single function (which will be applied to every output) or as a list of function (which will be applied element-wise to each output).

User-defined arguments§

Many projects benefit from letting the user configure project-specific elements of their builds, e.g. by enabling certain optional features or by using different branding for testing and release builds. You can add support for options to configure your build by creating a options.bfg file alongside your build.bfg.

Inside options.bfg, you can define arguments with the argument() function:

# Adds --name/--x-name to the list of available command-line options, e.g.:
#   9k build/ --name=foobar
argument('name', default='unnamed', help="set the program's name")

It works much like argparse's add_argument() method, except that a) argument names are automatically prefixed with -- (and --x- for forwards compatibility) and b) there are two extra actions available: enable' and 'with':

# Adds --enable-foo/--disable-foo (and --x- variants)
argument('foo', action='enable', help='enable the foo feature')

# Adds --with-bar/--without-bar (and --x- variants)
argument('bar', action='with', help='build the bar module')

Once these options are defined, you can fetch their results from the built-in argv global in your build.bfg file. This object is simply an argparse.Namespace object:

print("This program's name is {}".format(argv.name))

if argv.foo:
    pass  # Enable the foo feature
if argv.bar:
    pass  # Build the bar module

Generating pkg-config data§

When creating libraries for other projects to use, pkg-config is a common tool to simplify using the library. pkg-config allows users to look up a package and retrieve all the compiler and linker options required to use that package. You can generate a pkg-config .pc file using the pkg_config() function:

project('my_project', '1.0')

include = header_directory('include', include='*.hpp')
lib = library('hello', files=['src/hello.cpp'], includes=[include])

install(lib, include)


If the auto_fill parameter is True, this function will automatically fill in the values for the package's name, version, installed include directories, and installed libraries:


You can even use the pkg-config package you just created when building other binaries. However, this is only allowed when auto_fill is False, since bfg9000 won't know what an auto-filled pkg-config .pc file would look like until after the build script is finished:

my_pkg = pkg_config(
    # ...

executable('prog', 'prog.cpp', packages=[my_pkg])

Libraries are perhaps the most interesting part of the pkg_config() function. If a library listed here depends on any packages or other libraries, they will automatically be included in the pkg-config info.

There are several other options available to tweak the output of this function, detailed in the reference guide.