Build Tools§


Build tools aren't currently extendable by third parties. However, this is planned.

As a build configuration system, bfg9000 naturally interacts with many other tools; this interaction is defined for each tool in bfg9000/tools/; each file is automatically imported and the tools are added to a dict ultimately used by the environment object.


@builder(lang, ...)§

Define a builder for one or more langs. The API for builders is somewhat complex and currently beyond the scope of this document.

@tool(name, [lang])§

Define a tool named name that optionally acts as a runner for files with the language lang. The API for tools is somewhat complex and currently beyond the scope of this document.


get_builder(env, lang)§

Get the builder associated with lang, passing env (and lang if the builder was defined for multiple languages) to the builder type.

get_tool(env, name)§

Get the tool named name, passing env to the tool type.


Get the name of the tool specified to run files with language lang.