
So, you've found an issue with bfg9000 or have an idea to improve it? Great! This page will provide you with some useful information to help you get started.

Filing an issue§

Before contributing a patch, it's best to file an issue to discuss your plan. This will help ensure that you've got a good idea of the best way to go about things and don't go down the wrong path to start.

Setting up a development environment§

Like most other Python-based projects, the easiest way to set up a development environment for bfg9000 is to use pip to install an editable version of the package. You'll probably also want all the testing dependencies, which you can install with the test extra:

$ pip install -e '.[test]'

Running tests§

bfg9000 has a suite of tests to ensure that everything works properly. (Well, everything that has tests!) As you may expect, you can run these via:

$ python test

If you'd like to run a subset of tests, such as when trying to fix a bug in a specific area of the code, you can limit the tests that get run. For instance, to run only the tests in test/integration/, you can type:

$ python test -s test.integration.test_simple

To generate a coverage report, simply replace test with coverage, and build the report in the format you want, e.g.:

$ python coverage && coverage html

Linting code§

bfg9000 uses flake8 for linting. You can check this with the lint command like so:

$ python lint