

Builtins aren't currently extendable by third parties. However, this is planned.

bfg9000 provides a set of builtin functions, classes, and variables to build scripts so that projects can easily describe their build process. These are all defined in bfg9000/builtins/; each file is automatically imported and its builtins are added to a dict of globals to pass to build.bfg.


Builtins are defined by using decorators defined in bfg9000.builtins.builtin; by default, these make the decorated object available to build.bfg, but you can also specify the context to change where the object is available: 'build' for build.bfg files, 'options' for options.bfg files, 'toolchain' for <toolchain>.bfg files, and '*' for all files; in addition, you can specify a list of any of these strings to add the object to multiple contexts.

@default([context], [name])§

Define a function (or other callable object, including a type) as a builtin for the specified contexts. If name is passed, it will be used as the builtin's name; otherwise, the function's name will be used.

@function([context], [name])§

Define a function (or other callable object) as a builtin for the specified contexts. If name is passed, it will be used as the builtin's name; otherwise, the function's name will be used. When called by a bfg script, the function will be passed a context object as the first argument.

@getter([context], [name])§

Define a getter function as a builtin for the specified contexts. If name is passed, it will be used as the builtin's name; otherwise, the function's name will be used. When called by a bfg script, the function will be passed a context object as the first argument.

@post([context], [name])§

Define a function to be run after the user's build script is executed for the specified contexts. When called after a bfg script, the function will be passed a context object its only argument.

@type(out_type, [in_type], [extra_in_type], [short_circuit], [first_optional])§

Define the return type of the decorated function as out_type and accepting automatic conversion of any object of in_type or extra_in_type (either a type or tuple of types, defaulting to string_or_path_types) as the first argument. If short_circuit is true (the default), passing in an object of type out_type will simply return the input with no changes. If first_optional is true, calling the decorated function with a single positional argument will pass None as the first argument, and the supplied argument as the second.

This decorator is primarily useful for autoconversion of strings to the corresponding object for one of a build step's arguments (e.g. converting 'foo.cpp' to a SourceFile).

Context objects§

Context objects contain all the necessary data to manage the internal state corresponding to a bfg script. These can be used by builtins to work with the environment, add build steps to the graph, etc.