Command-Line Reference§

Global options§

-h, --help§

Print a help message and exit. Equivalent to the help subcommand.


Print the version number and exit.

-c, --color WHEN§

Show colored output; WHEN is one of always, never, or auto and defaults to auto (i.e. show colored output when the terminal is a tty). -c is equivalent to --color=always.


Only emit a given warning once.


bfg9000 help [SUBCOMMAND]§

Print a help message and exit. If SUBCOMMAND is specified, print help for that subcommand.

bfg9000 configure DIRECTORY§

Generate the necessary build files to perform actual builds. If DIRECTORY is a source directory (i.e. it contains a build.bfg file), the build files will be created in the current directory. Otherwise, DIRECTORY is treated as the build directory, and bfg9000 will look for a build.bfg file in the current directory.

--backend BACKEND§

The kind of build files to generate; one of ninja, make, or msbuild. The default value depends on what build backends you have installed, but if ninja is present on your system, it will be the default.

--enable-shared, --disable-shared§

Enable/disable building shared libraries when using library() in your build.bfg files. Defaults to enabled.

--enable-static, --disable-static§

Enable/disable building static libraries when using library() in your build.bfg files. Defaults to enabled.

--prefix PATH§

The installation prefix to use when installing built files. On Linux and macOS, this defaults to /usr/local; on Windows, there is no default (thus, to install built files on Windows, you must either set --prefix or one of the other install path options below).

--exec-prefix PATH§

The installation prefix to use when installing architecture-dependent files (e.g. executables). This defaults to the value of --prefix.

--bindir PATH§

The installation prefix to use for executables. Defaults to <prefix>/bin on Linux and macOS, and <prefix> on Windows.

--libdir PATH§

The installation prefix to use for libraries. Defaults to <prefix>/lib on Linux and macOS, and <prefix> on Windows.

--includedir PATH§

The installation prefix to use for headers. Defaults to <prefix>/include on Linux and macOS, and <prefix> on Windows.

bfg9000 configure-into SRCDIR BUILDDIR§

Generate the necessary build files (as with bfg9000 configure) to perform actual builds from a build.bfg file in SRCDIR, and place them in BUILDDIR.

bfg9000 refresh [BUILDDIR]§

Regenerate an existing set of build files in BUILDDIR needed to perform actual builds. This is run automatically if bfg9000 determines that the build files are out of date.

bfg9000 env [BUILDDIR]§

Print the environment variables stored by the build configuration in BUILDDIR.

-u, --unique§

Only show environment variables that differ from the current environment.

9k shorthand§

9k is a special shorthand to make it easier to configure your build. It's equivalent to bfg9000 configure.