

Builtins aren't currently extendable by third parties. However, this is planned.

bfg9000 provides a set of builtin functions, classes, and variables to build scripts so that projects can easily describe their build process. These are all defined in bfg9000/builtins/; each file is automatically imported and its builtins are added to a dict of globals to pass to build.bfg.


Builtins are defined by using decorators defined in bfg9000.builtins.builtin; by default, these make the decorated object available to build.bfg, but you can also specify the context to change where the object is available: 'build' for build.bfg files, 'options' for options.bfg files, and '*' for all files.

These decorators also accept a list of internal global variables to be passed to the decorated function. For build contexts, valid globals are build_inputs, env, and argv; for options contexts, env and parser.

@function(global, ..., [context])§

Define a function (or other callable object, including a type) as a builtin with the specified globals passed as the initial arguments to the function.

@getter(global, ..., [context])§

Define a getter function as a builtin with the specified globals passed as the initial arguments to the function.

@post(global, ..., [context])§

Define a function to be run after the user's build script (build.bfg or options.bfg, depending on context) is executed.

@type(out_type, [in_type])§

Define the return type of the decorated function as out_type and accepting automatic conversion of any object of in_type (either a type or tuple of types, defaulting to string_types) as the first argument. This is primarily useful for autoconversion of strings to the corresponding object for one of a build step's arguments (e.g. converting 'foo.cpp' to a SourceFile).